Sports Injury

Sports Injury prevention, treatment, and recovery

Don’t wait for an injury to come see us! We specialize in preventing injuries, treating them and helping athletes recover.wrestler shoulder

Preventative Care

Even the smallest injuries and alignment issues can cause unnecessary stress on the body, often times leading to more injuries. Our providers perform thorough exams to evaluate any causes for concern in the body. Our team also offers tailored programs aimed at injury avoidance, ensuring that the athletes are less at risk for future injuries.


For example, a chiropractic might help a wrestler correct his or her shoulder stability leading to fewer injuries. A misaligned spine or a knee injury can interfere with the functions of all other systems within the body since all parts of the body are connected. This can cause athletic performance to suffer. When athletes seek chiropractic care and get regular adjustments, this keeps the spine working smoothly and in turn, helps ensure that other body parts are functioning properly.
Chiropractors understand how all of the different parts of the body work and move together. Athletes can benefit from a chiropractor because adjustments improve the body’s overall performance which in turn improves athletic performance.X-rays

Recovery and Rehab

Physical therapy works to assist an athlete to rebuild strength and movement after an injury through different exercises, stretches, and specialized techniques. It can also help an athlete manage pain and prevent avoidable damage in the future.

Schrock Medical wants to help your athlete with all their sports injury needs, from prevention, to treatment and recovery. Our team of providers will create a unique care plan that may include but is not limited to: regenerative therapies, chiropractic care, physical therapy and more! Let our team help your athlete stay active through their season. All of our modalities work together to create a plan that allows care in one location! Our chiropractors work to identify weaknesses and bring alignment back into the joint, while our physical therapists and athletic trainers improve strength, stability, speed, and agility of student athletes, all while minimizing the occurrence of injury.

This program is fully customized to each athlete’s needs and tailored to their individual sports. Our process begins with a thorough assessment of the athlete’s abilities, a discussion of goals, and a full functional evaluation. A completely personalized, one-on-one plan is developed to address any shortfalls and improve body mechanics. These plans include functional training which is specifically aimed at preventing injury and reducing the risk of being sidelined during the season.chiropractic athlete

Treatment Plans May Include:

  • Comprehensive evaluation and exam (x-rays if necessary)
  • 2 week functional re-exams
  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical Therapy 
  • In-Session and Off-Session exercise plan
  • Supplements to help with inflammation and pain

Schrock Medical Clinic aims to help athletes improve athletic performance, decreasing risk of injury, and exposing the local youth to a healthier overall lifestyle. We offer a free consultation to review your athlete’s medical history and go over areas of concern, and goals. After the consult, if patient decides to proceed forward they would have a full neuro. and ortho. exam along with X-rays. These are typically billable to insurance (depending on your coverage). See the conditions we treat here.

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